There are many comments, news and opinions that are increasingly resonating about the risks posed to people’s health by exposure to blue light, (blue light hazard), this term represents the risk of real eye damage and its influence on the well-being of people.

The (blue light hazard) is used only when light is considered a risk to the eye, due to direct exposure to bright sources such as the sun.

The word “blue” is included in the definition because the risk of photochemical damage depends on the wavelength, taking into account the maximum in the blue range of the spectrum of Radiation Protection, (ICNIRP), a weight function dependent on the wavelength of vibe.

There is no evidence of any adverse health effects in humans from occasional exposure to optical radiation at the listed exposure limits.

We must differentiate the lamps that emit a cold light, emitting a high color temperature, therefore they have a greater proportion of blue light than the lamps that emit a warm light or with a lower color temperature.

The most dangerous proportion of blue light is found in incandescent lamps and LED lamps used for general lighting.

According to the studies, is there a danger to health?



Several experimental studies have shown that there is no danger or risk from blue light exposure as long as they do not exceed the conditions set forth in the regulations. In addition, exposure levels are often less than those experienced looking at a blue sky.

In this way, several experimental studies have been carried out to evaluate how harmful high levels of exposure to white light are to health.

It is essential to indicate that a white light source that emits blue light at levels that are almost bordering on the limits producing a bright effect, causing glare and that are installed in unusual environments. Taking into account that psychologically lighting with a high color temperature is perceived by most people as unpleasant and uncomfortable, especially in domestic lighting.

It is known that during a normal lighting situation we experience transient exposures to high light levels, and we can have many such exposures per day. However, the accumulation of these exposures during the day will not exceed the acceptable limits of exposure.

The CIE considers that the BLH is not important for white light sources used in general lighting, even for those that are enriched in the blue spectrum; however, caution is advised for possible circumstances that may occur over many days, if continuous exposure to optical radiation approaches the BLH exposure limit.. In fact, that level of exposure should be avoided. Such exposure is unlikely for a white light source, but may be possible with sources emitting primarily blue light.

It should also be taken into account that the use of sources that emit, mainly blue light, can be harmful to children. Even if the BLH limit is not exceeded, such sources may be too bright for youngsters.

For this reason, the use of blue indicator or signal lamps is not recommended for devices that may be exposed to children. When blue light sources are used on such objects or devices, the blue light must be reduced by a factor of 10.

The term “blue light hazard” should not be used when referring to circadian rhythm disruption or sleep disturbance. However, the CIE acknowledges that there is public concern about the non-visual influences of blue light on people’s health, and has already issued a position statement on the subject.

Fuente: CIE